Vehicle Graphics

Serving the greater Maricopa County Area including Scottsdale, Phoenix, Tempe, Mesa, and Glendale.

Fleet Wraps

Full fleet wrap graphics transform company vehicles into eye-catching mobile billboards, with vibrant vinyl colors and messaging spreading services and brand visibility farther across communities for sustained impressions. Cost-efficient displays keep brands top-of-mind.

Partial Graphics

Strategically placed partial vehicle graphics use logos, stripes, and lettering to highlight company ownership on cars and trucks without the cost of a full wrap, perfect for reinforcing signature branding elements across essential fleet units on a budget. Focused accents amplify recognition.

Vehicle Wraps

Turn company cars, trucks, and vans into customized roaming advertisements with vehicle wraps that illustrate services, offers, and contact information to effectively target specific events, neighborhoods, and crowds with branded visuals. Impactful vehicle signage accelerates business growth.

Vehicle Magnets

Interchangeable vehicle magnet graphics stick and remove easily to update promotions, sales, or seasonal offers on doors ensuring messaging stays fresh and timely for customers reading at red lights or passing locations. Current details keep messaging relevant.


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Phoenix Sign Studio is your premier local custom sign company for all your signs and graphics needs.  With our headquarters in Scottsdale, we can help any business throughout Phoenix or the greater Valley area. We measure our success through our customers’ successes as a result of our custom-designed sign and graphics solutions.  Call today for a free initial consultation, or if you have any questions.


Fleet Wraps

Unify your company’s fleet with cohesive, high-impact wraps that create a strong visual identity. Perfect for delivery services, contractors, and service-based businesses, fleet wraps ensure your brand is consistently represented across multiple vehicles. Our designers work closely with you to create custom designs that align with your brand guidelines and effectively communicate your message. With durable, weather-resistant materials and expert installation, your fleet will make a powerful statement on the road for years to come.

Vehicle Wraps

Transform your personal or company vehicle into a mobile marketing machine with stunning vehicle wraps. Ideal for small businesses, entrepreneurs, and anyone looking to increase brand visibility, vehicle wraps offer a cost-effective way to reach a wide audience. From real estate agents to food trucks, vehicle wraps can be customized to suit any industry. Our team will help you create a design that showcases your unique selling points and contact information, ensuring potential customers can easily connect with you.

Full Vehicle Graphics

Make a bold statement with full vehicle graphics that command attention from every angle. This option is perfect for businesses in creative industries, such as event planners, artists, and photographers, who want to showcase their work in a larger-than-life format. Our designers will create a captivating design that wraps seamlessly around your vehicle, utilizing every inch of space to create a stunning visual impact. With vibrant colors, sharp images, and innovative layouts, your vehicle will become a mobile work of art that turns heads wherever it goes.

Partial Vehicle Graphics

For a more subtle approach, partial vehicle graphics allow you to strategically brand specific areas of your vehicle. This option is ideal for businesses that want to maintain a professional appearance while still leveraging the power of mobile advertising. Healthcare providers, financial institutions, and consulting firms can benefit from partial wraps that highlight their logo, tagline, and contact information on key areas such as doors or rear panels. Our team will help you strike the perfect balance between aesthetics and messaging, creating a polished look that resonates with your target audience.

Vehicle Magnets

Versatile and cost-effective, vehicle magnets offer a flexible solution for businesses with changing promotions or seasonal offerings. Perfect for small businesses, startups, and those who use their personal vehicles for work, magnets can be easily applied and removed without damaging your car’s paint. From landscaping services promoting special offers to local boutiques advertising new product lines, vehicle magnets allow you to update your message on the go. Our high-quality, weather-resistant magnets will securely adhere to your vehicle, ensuring your brand stays visible and vibrant in any condition.

At Phoenix Sign Studio, we are dedicated to helping businesses of all sizes and industries elevate their brand through innovative vehicle graphics. Our team of skilled designers and installers will work closely with you to create custom solutions that align with your unique goals and budget. Whether you’re looking to wrap an entire fleet, create a full vehicle masterpiece, or simply add a touch of branding with partial graphics or magnets, we have the expertise to bring your vision to life.

Don’t let your vehicles blend in with the crowd – let them work for your brand. Contact Phoenix Sign Studio today to schedule a consultation and discover how our vehicle graphics solutions can help you reach new heights of brand visibility and engagement. Together, we’ll create mobile masterpieces that drive your business forward.


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