Real Estate SIGNS

Serving the greater Maricopa County Area including Scottsdale, Phoenix, Tempe, Mesa, and Glendale.

Yard Signs

Eye-catching yard signs with MLS details flag home listings in thriving neighborhoods to generate buyer interest and maximize seller exposure using bold colors that stand out on every block. Vibrant yard signs market properties 24/7.

Post & Panel Signs

Professional post and panel signs prominently positioned along commercial corridors signal prime spaces for lease or real estate for sale sale – ideal for retail, medical, manufacturing, and professional properties. Visible post & panel signs advertise unique opportunities.

A-Frame Signs

Portable A-frame signs tempt potential buyers with open house announcements showcasing move-in ready homes with curb appeal and custom renovations tailored for modern lifestyles. Hard to miss A-frame signs drive foot traffic on show days.

Window Graphics

Vacancy window graphics featuring “For Lease” in bold lettering brand empty buildings as development-ready sites in high demand zones that allow investors and entrepreneurs to customize floorplans. Eye-catching window graphics generate solid leads.


Signs & Graphics


New & Upgrades


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Phoenix Sign Studio is your premier local custom sign company for all your signs and graphics needs.  With our headquarters in Scottsdale, we can help any business throughout Phoenix or the greater Valley area. We measure our success through our customers’ successes as a result of our custom-designed sign and graphics solutions.  Call today for a free initial consultation, or if you have any questions.


Yard Signs

For real estate agents, yard signs are more than just a way to identify a property; they are a powerful marketing tool that can generate interest, create a sense of urgency, and ultimately lead to a successful sale. Our yard signs are crafted with the specific needs of real estate professionals in mind. We use high-quality, durable materials that can withstand the harsh outdoor elements, ensuring that your signs remain vibrant and readable no matter the weather conditions. Our customizable designs allow you to prominently display your agency’s branding, contact information, and key property details, making it easy for potential buyers to connect with you. Whether you’re promoting a single-family home, a luxury estate, or a new development, our yard signs will help you make a lasting impression and attract the right buyers.

A-Frame Signs

Flexibility and adaptability are crucial in the fast-paced world of real estate, and that’s where our A-frame signs truly shine. These portable, double-sided signs are perfect for directing potential buyers to open houses, guiding them through property tours, or announcing upcoming events. Our A-frame signs are designed with sturdy, weather-resistant materials that can withstand the rigors of frequent use and transportation. The interchangeable panels allow you to quickly update your messaging and tailor your signs to specific properties or target audiences. Whether you’re placing them on sidewalks, near busy intersections, or at the entrance of a subdivision, our A-frame signs will help you capture the attention of potential buyers and drive traffic to your listings.

Post & Panel Signs

When it comes to marketing high-end residential properties or commercial real estate, post and panel signs offer a level of sophistication and professionalism that sets you apart from the competition. Our post and panel signs are designed to make a bold statement and create a lasting impression on potential buyers and investors. We use premium materials and advanced manufacturing techniques to ensure that your signs are not only visually stunning but also built to last. With a range of customizable options, including size, color, and graphics, you can create signs that perfectly align with your brand identity and the unique characteristics of your properties. Whether you’re promoting a luxury condominium complex, a retail center, or an office park, our post and panel signs will help you establish a strong presence and attract the right clientele.

Window Graphics

Your real estate office is more than just a workspace; it’s a powerful marketing tool that can help you attract new clients, showcase your listings, and reinforce your brand identity. Our window graphics are designed to transform your office into a dynamic, eye-catching display that engages passersby and creates a memorable impression. We use high-quality, vibrant graphics that can be customized to highlight your featured properties, agent profiles, and unique value proposition. From full-window wraps that create an immersive experience to targeted decals that promote specific services or achievements, our window graphics offer a cost-effective way to maximize your office’s visibility and generate leads. With our expert design team and state-of-the-art printing technology, we can help you create window displays that not only attract attention but also communicate your brand’s story and values.

Pylon Signs

In the highly competitive world of commercial real estate, visibility is key. That’s where our pylon signs come in. These towering structures are designed to make a bold statement and attract attention from a distance, making them ideal for promoting multi-tenant properties, shopping centers, or large-scale developments. Our pylon signs are engineered to withstand the toughest weather conditions, ensuring that your branding remains prominent and impactful year-round. With customizable panels and lighting options, you can create signs that not only identify your properties but also create a sense of place and destination. Whether you’re looking to attract new tenants, increase foot traffic, or establish your properties as landmarks in the community, our pylon signs will help you achieve your goals and stand out in a crowded market.


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