Laundromat SIGNS

Serving the greater Maricopa County Area including Scottsdale, Phoenix, Tempe, Mesa, and Glendale.

A-Frame Signs

Portable A-frame sidewalk signs flag down passersby with daily specials on washers and dryers so residents can refresh wardrobes affordably. Hard to miss displays attract neighborhood crowds with deals.

Directional Signs

Intuitive directional signs guide customers through store layouts to helpful attendants, change machines, folding stations, and care products so laundry days run smoothly. Helpful cues optimize convenience.

ADA Signs

Clear ADA signs with Braille direct patrons of all abilities to entrances, machines, and restrooms easily in laundromats dedicated to serving every member of the community. Thoughtful markings create accessibility for the vision impaired.

LED Signs

Vivid LED signs mounted indoors flash updates on machine availability and countdown wait times so patrons can grab a snack or coffee while cycles finish up. Real-time displays maximize efficiency for customers.


Signs & Graphics


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Phoenix Sign Studio is your premier local custom sign company for all your signs and graphics needs.  With our headquarters in Scottsdale, we can help any business throughout Phoenix or the greater Valley area. We measure our success through our customers’ successes as a result of our custom-designed sign and graphics solutions.  Call today for a free initial consultation, or if you have any questions.


A-Frame Signs

Versatile and eye-catching, A-frame signs are the perfect tool for grabbing the attention of passersby and guiding them to your laundromat. These portable signs can be strategically placed on sidewalks, near entrances, or in high-traffic areas to showcase your brand, promote special offers, or convey important information. The double-sided design of A-frame signs maximizes visibility, ensuring that your message is seen from multiple angles. Whether you’re highlighting your eco-friendly laundry detergents, announcing extended hours, or emphasizing your competitive pricing, A-frame signs are a cost-effective way to engage potential customers and drive foot traffic to your laundromat.

ADA Signs

Accessibility is a critical aspect of any public space, and laundromats are no exception. ADA signs ensure that your laundromat is welcoming and navigable for all customers, regardless of their abilities. Our expertly designed ADA signs adhere to the strictest regulations, featuring high-contrast text, tactile lettering, and Braille to accommodate individuals with visual impairments. By prominently displaying ADA signs at entrances, restrooms, and other key areas, you demonstrate your commitment to inclusivity and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Clear and concise ADA signage not only enhances accessibility but also fosters a sense of comfort and ease for all customers, making your laundromat a preferred choice in the community.

Directional Signs

In a sea of washing machines and dryers, customers seek clarity and efficiency. Directional signs serve as the guiding light, helping customers navigate your laundromat with ease. By strategically placing directional signs, you can clearly indicate the location of essential areas such as payment kiosks, folding tables, vending machines, and restrooms. Our carefully crafted directional signs utilize intuitive symbols, arrows, and concise text to provide instant visual cues, reducing confusion and enhancing the overall customer experience. Well-placed directional signage not only streamlines traffic flow but also minimizes unnecessary interruptions for your staff, allowing them to focus on delivering exceptional service.

LED Signs

In a world where information is constantly evolving, LED signs offer a dynamic and captivating way to communicate with your laundromat customers. These vibrant, illuminated displays can be used to showcase real-time promotions, share helpful laundry tips, display operating hours, or even entertain customers with engaging content while they wait. The flexibility of LED signs allows you to easily update messages, adapt to changing circumstances, and keep your customers informed and engaged. Whether mounted on the exterior of your laundromat or prominently displayed inside, LED signs add a modern and technologically advanced touch to your establishment, setting you apart from the competition and creating a memorable impression on your customers.

Wall Signs

Your laundromat’s walls are a blank canvas waiting to be transformed into a powerful branding and communication tool. Wall signs provide a seamless way to reinforce your brand identity, create a cohesive atmosphere, and convey important information. From dimensional logos that exude professionalism to informative signs detailing laundry instructions or highlighting your commitment to sustainability, wall signs can be customized to suit your unique needs. By strategically placing wall signs in high-visibility areas, such as above folding tables or near entry points, you can effectively communicate your messages and create a visually appealing environment that reflects your laundromat’s values and excellence.


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