Commercial SIGNS

Serving the greater Maricopa County Area including Scottsdale, Phoenix, Tempe, Mesa, and Glendale.

Lobby Signs

Distinctive branded lobby signs featuring integrated lighting of company branding welcome employees and visitors while prominently displaying values and culture the moment they step indoors. Striking lobby signs make modern first impressions.

LED Signs

Versatile LED signs projecting logo imagery and dynamic messaging immerse visitors in brand experiences while providing crisp illumination that accents building exteriors with contemporary style. Flexible LED signs amplify ambiance.

Wayfinding Signs

Practical wayfinding signage with helpful diagrams to key departments and locations provides easy self-navigation reducing worker disruptions to increase employee effectiveness and satisfaction in expansive commercial facilities. Functional wayfinding signs enable productivity.

Monument Signs

Eye-catching monument signs fabricated from quality materials and marked by grand dimensional logos near property entries ensure visitors arrive at the correct location with minimal direction. Statement-making monument signs command attention.


Signs & Graphics


New & Upgrades


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Phoenix Sign Studio is your premier local custom sign company for all your signs and graphics needs.  With our headquarters in Scottsdale, we can help any business throughout Phoenix or the greater Valley area. We measure our success through our customers’ successes as a result of our custom-designed sign and graphics solutions.  Call today for a free initial consultation, or if you have any questions.


Lobby Signs

In the fast-paced world of commerce, creating a memorable first impression is paramount. Your lobby sign serves as the focal point of your business’s entrance, offering a unique opportunity to captivate visitors and establish an immediate connection with your brand. At Phoenix Sign Studio, we understand the critical role that lobby signs play in shaping your customers’ perceptions and experiences.

We recognize that every business has its own distinct personality, target audience, and objectives. That’s why we take a personalized approach to designing lobby signs, working closely with you to understand your unique needs and aspirations. For a financial institution seeking to project an image of stability, trust, and professionalism, we may recommend a sleek, backlit metal sign with a timeless font and a refined color palette. This type of sign can communicate reliability, security, and a commitment to excellence, instilling confidence in your clients and reinforcing your position as a dependable financial partner.

Wayfinding Signs

Efficient navigation is not just a convenience but a critical factor in ensuring the smooth operation of your business. At Phoenix Sign Studio, we understand the unique challenges and complexities of creating effective wayfinding systems for diverse commercial spaces. Our team of experienced designers and wayfinding experts specializes in developing comprehensive solutions tailored to your specific layout, requirements, and brand identity.

We begin by conducting a thorough analysis of your space, taking into account factors such as traffic flow, key destinations, and potential bottlenecks. This allows us to create a strategic plan for the placement of directional signs, floor directories, room identifiers, and other wayfinding elements. Our wayfinding solutions are designed to be both functional and aesthetically pleasing, seamlessly integrating with your brand’s visual identity and the architectural style of your space. We offer a wide range of customization options, including various materials, colors, fonts, and graphic elements, to create signs that not only serve their practical purpose but also reinforce your brand’s personality and values.

LED Signs

Capturing attention and conveying information effectively is paramount to the success of your business. Our state-of-the-art LED signs offer a cutting-edge solution for businesses looking to make a bold statement, deliver targeted messages, and drive results. With their ability to display vibrant, high-resolution content, LED signs provide unparalleled flexibility and impact. Unlike static signage, LED signs allow you to showcase a wide range of dynamic content, from text and graphics to videos and animations. This versatility enables you to adapt your messaging to suit different times of day, target audiences, or promotional campaigns, ensuring that your communication remains fresh, relevant, and impactful.

For instance, a restaurant can leverage an LED sign to showcase daily specials, limited-time offers, and mouth-watering visuals of their signature dishes. By displaying enticing content that appeals to the senses and creates a sense of urgency, the restaurant can effectively capture the attention of passersby, drive foot traffic, and boost sales. The ability to update content remotely and in real-time ensures that the restaurant can quickly adapt to changing menu items, promotions, or special events, maximizing the effectiveness of their signage.

Monument Signs

For commercial properties looking to establish a strong, enduring presence and make a lasting impression on visitors and passersby, monument signs are an excellent choice. At Phoenix Sign Studio, we specialize in creating custom-designed monument signs that not only enhance the visibility and attractiveness of your property but also serve as powerful branding tools, reinforcing your company’s identity, values, and commitment to excellence.

Our team of skilled designers and fabricators works closely with you to develop a monument sign that perfectly complements your architectural surroundings and reflects your brand’s unique personality. We offer a wide range of materials, styles, and customization options to ensure that your sign is tailored to your specific needs and preferences. From classic, timeless designs to modern, eye-catching displays, we have the expertise and creativity to bring your vision to life.

Wall Graphics

Transform your commercial space into an immersive brand experience with our stunning wall graphics. At Phoenix Sign Studio, we understand the power of visual storytelling and how it can significantly impact the atmosphere, productivity, and perception of your business. Our large-scale, custom-designed wall graphics offer a cost-effective way to energize your environment, reinforce your brand messaging, and create a memorable impression on your customers and employees.

Our skilled designers work closely with you to develop unique wall graphic concepts that align with your brand’s personality, values, and objectives. We take into account your target audience, industry, and the specific goals you wish to achieve with your space, ensuring that your wall graphics not only look impressive but also serve a strategic purpose.



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